Fire-Boltt Visionary 1.78″ AMOLED Bluetooth Calling Smartwatch

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Original price was: ₹16,999.00.Current price is: ₹3,799.00.

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  • Bluetooth Calling, IP68 Smartwatch, 1.78″ AMOLED Display, 368*448 Pixel High Resolution, Built In Mic & Speaker, Voice Assistant, Games, Find Phone, Connect TWS, Accelerometer, Activity Tracker, Alarm Clock, Calorie Tracker, Camera, Notifications, Pedometer, Phone Call, Sedentary Reminder, Sleep Monitor, Text message, Time Display, Spo2 (Blood Oxygen Monitoring), Heart Rate Tracking, Daily Workout Memory, Distance Tracker, Multisport Tracker, Music Player.
  • Fire-Boltt Visionary has a premium 368*448 Pixel Resolution and 1.78″ AMOLED Display which comes with the Always On feature.
  • The smartwatch is fit to withstand sweat, dust, dirt and sand and is resistant to submersion upto a maximum depth of 1m of freshwater for up to twenty minutes.

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