Fire-Boltt Invincible Plus AMOLED Display with Bluetooth calling Smartwatch

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  • 1.43″ AMOLED Display with 460*460pixel High Resolution
  • The watch supports your earbuds to be connected with the watch while you sit back and enjoy the songs being played with a 4GB internal storage
  • This watch allows you to make and receive calls on the go, with the inbuilt mic and speaker function you can talk through the watch anytime, anywhere
  • you can activate your mobile phone’s voice assistant with one single tap and get the work done in a better manner
  • The watch has a rotating button which helps you to quickly change the watch face, land to functions faster. The display has an Always On Display function that enables you to view the time on the analog dial all the day. With a wrist wake function the watch also lets you optimize the battery

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